Párbeszédes gyakorlat 4.

« Vissza a Párbeszédes gyakorlatokhoz
Eddie       is talking to       Fiona
What are you up to this weekend?
I've already made a lot of plans. I'm going to do some shopping on Saturday morning, and I'm visiting my parents at 3 in the afternoon.
How about Sunday?
I'm planning to go running early in the morning, and I may do some cleaning after that.
Will you happen to be free on Sunday evening?
Actually, I don't have plans for then yet. Why are you asking?
I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner with me.
Oh, I see. Let me think about that.


Döntsd el a fenti párbeszédes olvasmány alapján, hogy a szöveggel kapcsolatos állítások igazak-e! Három lehetőség van: igaz (true), hamis (false), vagy nem derül ki a szövegből (the text does not say). A megoldásokat, valamint a párbeszéd és az állítások fordítását az oldalsávban (vagy mobil nézetben a lap alján) találod.
1. Fiona has no weekend programs yet.
2. Eddie wants to meet Fiona on Sunday.
3. Fiona is going to do some sport on Sunday morning.
4. Eddie offers to help Fiona with the cleaning.
5. Fiona invites Eddie to dinner.
6. Eddie used to date Fiona.
7. Fiona is excited about Eddie's invitation.
8. Eddie has already booked the table in the restaurant.