Színes angol-magyar példamondatok hanganyag és nyelvtani témakörök
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1. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök1.1.
What is this?

This isn't an answer.

Is this a question?

That is not a river.

Is that the ocean?

These aren't your notes.

Are these his clothes?

Those are not our papers.

Are those her bags?

I am a student.
I am not the boss.

Am I your friend?

You're not my mother.

Are you the teacher?

He is not our neighbor.

Is he a police officer?

She's not our cousin.

Is she a celebrity?

It isn't midnight yet.

Is it your birthday today?

We are not enemies.

Are we the winners?

You (guys) aren't losers.

Are you (guys) doctors?

They are not our relatives.

Are they the parents?

I'm very happy.
I am not so lucky.

Am I still awake?

You aren't ugly.

Are you tired?

He's not that friendly.

Is he extremely busy now?

She is not patient at all.

Is she really excited?

It isn't hot today.

Is it windy outside?

We are not hungry.

Are we fast enough?

You (guys) aren't ready yet.

Are you (guys) bored?

They are not British.

Are they dangerous?

I am here.
I'm not there.

Am I in trouble?

You aren't by yourself.

Are you on vacation?

He's not in the attic.

Is he in front of the school?

She is not at school today.

Is she on her own?

It isn't in this street.

Is it opposite the store?

We're not in London.

Are we next to the station?

You (guys) aren't at home.

Are you (guys) at work?

They are not in the room.

Are they behind the house?

What day is it today?
What time is it?

What time is lunch?

What is her office like?

What are those people like?

What color is the box?

What size are your pants?

What kind of music is this?

Who are they?

Who is this cake from?

Who is Janet married to?

Where is the bus stop?

Where is your boss from?

Where are the others?

How far is it from here?

How cold is it today?

Which parcels are mine?

There is true love.
There is no justice.

Is there hope?

There isn't any food in the fridge.

Is there enough beer for us?

There isn't anyone left.

Is there anyone with them?

There aren't cheap cars.

Are there any more recipes?

There aren't any good solutions.

Are there any guests tonight?

There are no shoes on my feet.

Are there many dogs there?

There are no cats on the floor.

Are there other universes?

2. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök2.1.
I have a big heart.
I don't have a key.

Do I have your book?

You do not have a passport.

Do you have any questions?

She doesn't have a bicycle.

Does she have another coat?

He does not have a truck.

Does he have any friends?

It has no wings.

Does it have a long neck?

We don't have time for this.

Do we have their dog?

You (guys) have no break.

Do you (guys) have a minute?

They do not have a permit.

Do they have lots of money?

I have got a spoon.
I haven't got the fork.

Have I got his knife.

You've got no messages.

Have you got any ideas?

She hasn't got much courage.

Has she got many cousins?

He's got no daughters.

Has he got a few boxes?

It's got no purpose.

Has it got a weakness?

We haven't got any food.

Have we got little time?

You (guys) haven't got a car.

Have you (guys) got my bag?

They have got no computer.

Have they got much land?

I meet him every week.
I do not agree with you.

Do I look like a clown?

You don't own a car.

Do you understand me?

He does not eat pizza.

Does he hate rats?

She doesn't remember us.

Does she smell lovely?

It doesn't exist.

Does it cost much?

We do not think much.

Do we seem exhausted?

You (guys) don't know me.

Do you (guys) speak German?

They do not stand a chance.

Do they often travel abroad?

I am talking to you.
I'm not thinking about it.

Am I dreaming?

You're not listening to me.

Are you having lunch?

He isn't playing the piano.

Is he reading a magazine?

She's not going to school.

Is she going to the shop?

It isn't snowing now.

Is it still going on?

We're not studying anything.

Are we waiting for anyone?

You (guys) aren't helping us.

Are you (guys) leaving now?

They are not drinking tea.

Are they swimming?

What do you mean by this?
What does he do?

What is happening now?

What are they doing?

What time does she get up?

Who is driving that car?

Who do you meet there?

Who does she love?

Where does your mum work?

Where are you (guys) going?

Where is she traveling?

When are they leaving?

How well do you know her?

How many do you want?

How much does it cost?

Why does it matter?

Why is he running away?

Why are they shouting?

3. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök3.1.
I can drive (a car).
I cannot cook.

Can I come in?

You can't eat sweets.

Can you type?

He can not enter.

Can he translate it?

She can't go home yet.

Can she buy that dress?

It can't happen.

Can it shut off by itself?

We cannot do that.

Can we ask for help?

You (guys) can't smoke here.

Can you (guys) wait a little?

They can not get away.

Can they use the elevator?

I should go out more.
I should not worry so much.

Should I tell them the truth?

You shouldn't eat cakes.

Should you finish by noon.

He shouldn't be late.

Should he ask an expert?

She shouldn't stay there.

Should she watch the movie?

It should not happen again.

Should it work now?

We shouldn't give up.

Should we listen to it?

You (guys) shouldn't lose it.

Should you (guys) lock it?

They should not lie.

Should they tell everyone?

I must pay more attention.
I must not drink wine.

Must I call him back?

You mustn't tell a lie.

Must you be so good?

He must not use my car.

Must he pay in cash?

She must not feel well.

Must she go home at once?

It must not spread further.

Must it happen tonight?

We mustn't urge him.

Must we keep it a secret?

You (guys) mustn't miss it.

Must you (guys) tease me?

They must not need it.

Must they pull over?

I have to understand it.
I do not have to help you.

Do I have to learn this?

You don't have to tell me.

Do you have to read it?

He does not have to run.

Does he have to be here?

She doesn't need to know.

Does she need to see it?

It doesn't have to end.

Does it have to happen?

We do not need to leave.

Do we need to repair it?

You (guys) don't need to go.

Do you (guys) need to stay?

They needn't eat right now.

Do they need to practice?

I may stay up late.
I may not be late.

May I leave now?

You may not use the phone.

Can you walk the dog?

He may not be at home.

Could he work for them?

She might not like beer.

Could she be sleeping now?

It could not mean anything.

Could it work any better?

We may not drink alcohol.

May we join the team?

You (guys) may not die.

Can you (guys) ask for help?

They might not shoot.

Could they invite us, too?

4. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök4.1.
I was really lonely.
I was not in the mood.

Was I the only one?

You were not present.

Were you terrified?

He wasn't aware of it.

Was Jack behind the door?

She wasn't my neighbor.

Was Karen in love?

Her party wasn't so good.

Was the weather rainy?

We were not ready yet.

Were we too early?

You (guys) weren't brave.

Were you (guys) busy?

The others weren't there.

Were the animals cute?

What was that?
What time was the game?

What shape was the UFO?

What were they afraid of?

What was the book about?

Who was your brother with?

Who was interested in this?

Who were those guys?

Where were your relatives?

When were they at home?

How many dogs were there?

How much was this pillow?

Why was there a protest?

Why was he at the hospital?

Whose socks were those?

Which ones were available?

Which girl was ill last week?

There was a pen on the table.
There was not a car in sight.

Was there a blackout?

There wasn't any chocolate left.

Was there a bad smell?

There was nobody here.

Was there anything in the box?

There was no homework.

Was there another entrance?

Why was there a delay?

There were not enough knives.

Were there several exits?

There weren't any desks.

Were there any players there?

There were no excuses.

Were there any witnesses?

5. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök5.1.
I found a wallet yesterday.
I did not tell anyone about it.

Did I make a mistake?

You didn't listen to me.

Did you think it over?

He did not wake up to it.

Did Ben eat everything?

She didn't have a boyfriend.

Did the lady have a cat?

His phone did not work.

Did the computer turn off?

We didn't wait till the end.

Did we miss the best part?

You (guys) didn't win.

Did you (guys) get lost?

They did not tell the police.

Did the birds fly away?

I was playing with them.
I wasn't making a phone call.

Was I going the wrong way?

You were not acting nice.

Were you trying to fool me?

He was not feeling well.

Was James talking to you?

She wasn't wearing a hat.

Was Emma having a break?

It wasn't raining then.

Was it snowing heavily?

We were not arguing.

Were we disturbing you?

You (guys) weren't working.

Were you (guys) singing?

They were not crying.

Were the dogs barking?

What happened here?
What did the passers-by see?

What was he doing there?

What time did they meet?

Who knew about this?

Who did she tell about it?

Who was cutting the grass?

Who were you talking to?

Where did he come from?

Where was she coming from?

Where were you guys sitting?

Where were they heading?

How did they find the place?

Why were they quarreling?

Why didn't it occur to me?

Whose wallet did you find?

Which movie was playing?

6. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök6.1.
I could do what I wanted.
I could not call anyone.

You couldn't lie to her.

Could you go by car?

He couldn't stand up again.

Could Jim repair the roof?

She could not pay by card.

Could your sister swim?

His cat couldn't go out.

Could the horses run freely?

We could not go back.

You (guys) couldn't go there.

Could you (guys) sleep?

They could not enter.

Could they find her?

I had to do the washing-up.
I did not have to hurry.

Did I have to set the alarm?

You didn't have to sell it.

Did you have to lie?

He did not have to drive.

Did he have to run back?

She didn't have to wear it.

Did she have to behave?

It did not have to happen.

Did it have to be like that?

We did not have to apologize.

Did we have to pay a fine?

You (guys) didn't have to eat.

Did you (guys) have to stay?

They did not have to wait.

Did they have to turn it on?

I used to enjoy studying.
I did not use to sleep much.

Did I use to be your friend?

You didn't use to like her.

Did you use to lie to them?

He didn't use to eat fish.

Did he use to own a Ferrari?

She didn't use to work much.

Did she use to live here?

It didn't use to matter.

Did this PC use to work?

We did not use to quarrel.

Did we use to go dancing?

You (guys) didn't use to run.

Did you (guys) use to swim?

They didn't use to drink beer.

Did they use to go abroad?

7. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök7.1.
I will be in my room.
I will not be nervous.

Will I be the scapegoat?

You won't be glad for it.

Will you be with us?

That man will not be there.

Will Carl be our guide?

Susan won't be patient.

Will she ever be on vacation?

It won't be dark soon.

Will it be cold tomorrow?

We will not be here then.

Will we be on the list?

You (guys) won't be hungry.

Will you (guys) be at home?

The pets will not be for sale.

Will the girls be kind?

I will help them later.
I will not tell you anything.

Will I get an award?

You won't get away with it.

Will you take us home?

He will not trust us.

Will your friend come back?

She won't argue with me.

Will Carol make a dessert?

It won't happen again.

Will it matter, at all?

We will never give up.

Will we achieve anything?

You (guys) won't go to jail.

Will you (guys) need a car?

They won't understand it.

Will Tim and Jane meet?

What will happen now?
What will the people say?

Who will believe us?

Who will do the shopping?

Who will make us food?

Who will be responsible?

Where will he hide?

Where will you be today?

Where will she travel next?

When will dinner be ready?

How will we solve it?

How hard will it be?

How much will it cost?

Why will there be a party?

Why will they be surprised?

Why will I regret it?

Which dog will you miss?

8. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök
I have not finished it yet.

Have I forgotten something?

You haven't eaten up yet.

Have you had an accident?

He has never been there.

Has he ever been to Paris.

She has not paid for it yet.

Has she put them away yet?

It hasn't begun yet.

Has it stopped raining?

We have not arrived yet.

Have we made a mistake?

You (guys) haven't met yet.

Have you (guys) left yet?

They have not told me yet.

Have they found it yet?

9. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök
You are not invited.

The road is closed.

It was not built in 2010.

Were they taken home?

They won't be found.

When will he be told?

It hasn't been discovered yet.

Have you been introduced?

10. fejezet
➝ nyelvtani témakörök
Why are you asking me?

She wants to ask you this.

What did he ask you?

I will ask a question.

Ask someone else.

You can ask her for a pen.

Did he ask you for money?

We will ask them for advice.

They should ask for help.

Let's ask him for directions.

Don't ask her to come here.

Did she ask you to do this?

What did he ask them to do?

Let's ask him to stay.

Should we ask them to help?