Párbeszédes gyakorlat 11.

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Tina       is talking to       William
You look upset. What's wrong?
I've fallen out with Mike.
What happened? Why are you angry with him?
I learned that he had been badmouthing me behind my back.
That's a serious accusation. Did you make sure it was true?
Of course. It was all true, unfortunately.
How did you find out?
Several people told me about this. I just didn't want to believe it at first.
So, what are you going to do about it?
I have no clue. I'm really pissed right now.


Döntsd el a fenti párbeszédes olvasmány alapján, hogy a szöveggel kapcsolatos állítások igazak-e! Három lehetőség van: igaz (true), hamis (false), vagy nem derül ki a szövegből (the text does not say). A megoldásokat, valamint a párbeszéd és az állítások fordítását az oldalsávban (vagy mobil nézetben a lap alján) találod.
1. William does not look happy.
2. William has had an argument with Mike.
3. William is now angry with Tina.
4. Mike and William are in the same class.
5. Mike said bad things about William.
6. Tina knows Mike pretty well.
7. Nobody told William about Mike's wrongdoing.
8. Tina immediately believes that Mike had done something wrong.
9. William found that the rumor about Mike was true.
10. William already knows what he's going to do about this problem.